How to Remove Silica From Industrial Water


How to Remove Silica From Industrial Water

Small silica particles can take root in your process water as it flows over rocks and minerals in the ground before reaching your facility. These crystalline particles can have significant adverse effects on your machinery in the long term, which is one of the reasons why their removal is an essential part of a water treatment plan. In some boilers, just one millimeter of silica buildup can increase fuel consumption.

You need dependable methods for silica treatment that can save you money, keep your equipment in good condition and reduce maintenance needs. Chardon Laboratories will examine the buildup of silica in water and provide professional water treatment services to rid your process water of harmful silica particles.


Silica Removal Through Water Treatment

Silica is likely a major component wherever your water comes from — especially groundwater. Without regular cleaning practices, you’ll likely see early equipment deterioration due to:

  • Membrane fouling: Silica particles can lodge in membrane pores in reverse osmosis and nanofiltration systems, blocking flow and causing early tearing. 
  • Reduced heating and cooling efficiency: Silicate water deposits can contribute to forming scale deposits on equipment. These scale deposits can build up, insulating the equipment and reducing heating and cooling efficiency. Scale deposits can also fall off and interrupt water flow.
  • Effects on pressure ranges: Scale deposits and their loose pieces can impact optimal pressure ranges and the system’s efficiency.
  • Abrasion: Silica is abrasive, often used for sandblasting or carving. Over time, these harsh effects can eat away at the inside of the boiler and cause premature damage.

Potential stages for treating industrial process water include the cooling tower, boiler or blowdown water. The specific methods used for silica removal from water depend on the form of silica present.

How to Remove Silica From Boiler Water

The three primary types of silica in water are granular silica, colloidal silica and reactive silica, which are differentiated based on their particle size. Available treatment methods use mechanisms that attach to the molecules or particles differently, so you’ll need to use the right one for the type of silica present.

Colloidal Silica


Granular Silica

One type of silica most frequently found in boiler water is granular silica, which is made of relatively large particles. Fortunately, the large particles make them reasonably easy to treat and remove through physical and chemical separation.

Lime softening is the most common and effective technique for removing granular silica from boiler water. Lime acts like a water softener for silica, causing calcium and magnesium — the particles that cause hardness — to precipitate out. As they do, they form large clumps called flocs that stick together and settle to the bottom of the boiler. You can then remove the collected particles, leaving behind clean water that won’t form scale or cause excess wear and tear on your boiler.


Colloidal Silica

Colloidal silica is much finer than granular silica. Because of their fineness, the particles stay dispersed in the boiler water without precipitating, forming a colloid. These particles are more challenging to remove, especially if the water contains other suspended particles.

Below are some of the best ways to treat colloidal silica:

  • Clarification: Clarification uses specialized equipment to remove larger suspended solids from water. Once the larger suspended particles are gone, the colloidal particles can often stick together and create clumps with enough mass to precipitate.
  • Flocculation: Flocculation involves adding a chemical coagulant to the water, which causes the particles to form clumps of material, or flocs, that can precipitate out more easily.
  • Ultrafiltration (UF): Ultrafiltration generally uses a flexible filter with tiny pores, often only a small fraction of a micrometer in diameter. The pores in this silica water filter are small enough to remove the very fine colloidal silica particles from the water.


Reactive Silica

Reactive silica often requires a different approach. This type of silica, also known as ionic silica, consists of exceptionally fine particles too small for removal with lime softening. This silica forms a weak acid, and its ionized particles have a negative charge.

The ionic nature of reactive silica makes the particles relatively easy to remove with ion exchange techniques. However, this method can be complicated to implement since the resins used in this type of ion exchange are challenging to regenerate and require the use of strong, hazardous bases. 


Get Water Treatment for Silica

Obtaining reliable treatment for the silica in your process water is essential. Proper treatment can reduce wear and tear on your boiler, lower repair and replacement costs and increase equipment efficiency.

As you develop a water treatment program for your boiler water, you’ll want to contract with experienced professionals who provide: 

  • A customized program: The right water treatment plan will be specific to your facility, including your equipment, water composition and industrial needs.
  • Comprehensive services: At a busy facility, you need water treatment services that can handle every step of the treatment process. Technicians should deliver the necessary chemicals, install any required equipment and dispose of the containers so you can focus time and energy on your own processes. 
  • ISO certification: The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) develops standards to ensure the quality of various products and services. If your water treatment service boasts ISO-certified technicians and processes, you’ll know your facility is in capable hands.
  • Remote monitoring technology: Remote monitoring technology allows you to check the status of your equipment in real time and receive immediate alerts if something is wrong. You’ll be able to address your equipment’s needs before they balloon into more challenging issues. 


Contact Chardon Laboratories for Silica Removal From Water


Contact Chardon Laboratories for Silica Removal From Water

Work with Chardon Labs to see the benefits of boiler water treatment services that remove silica. Our cost-effective services give you quality water treatment that is easy on your budget. We provide a complete service package, including chemical delivery and application, treatment equipment installation and container disposal. With our remote monitoring technology, you’ll know right away when your water requires treatment.

We are also happy to customize a water treatment program to your facility’s specific water composition, equipment and overall needs. Our dependable, ISO-certified technicians have the industry insights and expertise to tackle even the toughest jobs, so you’ll know your boiler is in good hands with us. 

Contact us today to schedule a treatment for silica removal from your water.

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Matt Welsh

Matt Welsh is the Vice President and Water Consultant at Chardon Labs. He helps consult a wide range of customers utilizing various methods of water treatment, from chemical to chemical-free approaches, large and small applications, and across a wide range of geographical influences. With 20 years of water treatment experience, including a wide range of troubleshooting and service in potable water and non-potable HVAC and industrial applications, he is an expert in water treatment chemistry for cooling towers, boilers, and closed-loop systems.

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