November 15, 2023
Remote monitoring of chemical water treatment is utilized to collect vital information and detect problems with the treatment and the system. These remote control systems can measure water usage, conductivity, flow, PH, etc. to help make adjustments for improving the chemical treatment efficiency and performance.
To set up remote monitoring systems quickly and correctly, contact the experts at Chardon Laboratories here.
+ Accurate technical data about the water and system
+ Adjust chemicals and other settings anytime, anywhere
+ Removal of human error
+ Efficiently utilize water and chemicals and reduce waste
+ Monitor exact costs being used
+ Reduce labor time
+ Integration with other systems
– Equipment costs
– Setup Costs
– Learning curve
+ Simple and what a technician may be used to
+ Can observe problems in real-time
+ Easier for very small operations, where the controller and service costs would outweigh the benefits
+ May be efficient if that’s the way it’s always been done and people are proficiently trained to do it that way
– No data benefits
– No efficiency benefits
– Time consuming
– Room for human error and undetected problems
Remote monitoring allows for systems to be handled from anywhere. Along with its accessibility compared to manual maintenance, it provides a large amount of data that will help improve the efficiency and costs of running your system. Excess water, chemicals, and energy can become quite costly. Additionally, any problems that occur are best dealt with fast. One of the major advantages of remote monitoring is that it allows for comprehensive predictive maintenance. By keeping track of system performance through currents and vibrations, there are ways to calculate preventative maintenance so the system runs well for longer. It is also a great way to reorder chemicals, as you will always know when and how much you will need. Remote monitoring is an investment, the return on it comes from the savings from the following: labor, efficiency, performance, ease of use, and capabilities.
Our recommended technology is REMCOMM & Advantage XS/MT Controllers. These are responsive and provide several accurate water quality indicators. Contact us here for more information on these controllers or to setup any remote monitoring water treatment controllers!