6 Ways to Reduce Water and Energy Usage in Data Centers


Almost all modern businesses rely heavily on technology and data, and data centers are crucial to their operations. However, data centers use high volumes of energy and water, which can lead to negative environmental impacts. 

In 2022, data center electricity consumption accounted for 0.3% of all carbon emissions. Given that figure, data center owners and managers have a real opportunity to implement strategies to reduce energy and water consumption and contribute to a more sustainable planet.

Explore six of the best ways to reduce energy consumption by data centers below.

1. Optimize Cooling Systems

Since servers and infrastructure in data centers generate heat, you must implement cooling measures to keep machines and tools functioning smoothly. Traditionally, data centers use water to create a cooler system environment, but high water usage can negatively impact the planet by contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and water scarcity.

Optimizing your cooling systems can help create a proper cooling environment while reducing energy use. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Implement closed loop systems: Closed loop systems keep the water inside the pipes, which means you lose less water to evaporation. Because they reuse water, they significantly decrease water usage in cooling systems.
  • Decrease your cooling tower’s water usage: Cooling towers use a lot of water and lose much of it to evaporation. The most effective way to lower their water usage is to reduce the amount of blowdown water, which is the water drained from the cooling tower to remove mineral build up. You can do this by chemically treating the water and regularly maintaining your cooling tower. 
  • Look into alternative cooling systems: Some cooling systems don’t use water, such as industrial fans. Depending on your data center’s layout and requirements, alternative cooling options may be an effective choice.

2. Invest in Water Treatment Solutions

Higher-quality water increases the efficiency of equipment, which helps reduce data center energy consumption. Industrial water treatment solutions include services like cooling tower water treatment, boiler feedwater treatment and closed loop water treatment. These treatment solutions can help ensure you use only the highest quality water for cooling.

Another benefit of treated water is that you can reuse it. Recycling water reduces water and energy consumption, and companies that implement water treatment systems can have a positive impact on the environment. Treatment systems also minimize issues like scaling and corrosion, which improves overall energy efficiency.

3. Try Remote Monitoring Technologies

While remote monitoring may not be the first thing you think of when considering how you can reduce your water consumption, it can help in a couple of key ways:

  • Track key metrics: Tracking data on metrics like temperature and flow rates can help you determine areas for improvement and develop strategies to optimize the relationship between data centers and water usage.
  • Automate chemical feeding: By monitoring your systems remotely, you can automate processes like chemical feeding, which ensures regular maintenance without manual intervention. Remote, automated processes provide more consistent performance.

4. Schedule Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance helps keep systems running smoothly and reduces water usage in data centers. If your cooling systems aren’t maintained properly, they’re much more likely to have problems that can lead to increased water usage.

Systems that aren’t functioning optimally may use more power to operate, and components like cooling towers could waste a lot of water if you haven’t maintained them. Here are some steps you can take to keep the cooling systems and other equipment in your data center functioning as expected:

  • Conduct inspection: Regularly check your cooling towers and chillers to ensure they work efficiently.
  • Have systems serviced: Schedule professional visits to run diagnostics and service your data center equipment. Having an expert service your systems helps prevent issues and address any problems before they worsen.
  • Fix problems immediately: Address issues as quickly as possible after they arise. Failing to fix equipment problems can result in less efficient systems and increased repair costs later.

5. Educate Your Team

Implementing sustainability is a team effort. You want every person in your company to be aware of and understand their role in creating a more eco-friendly and efficient data center. A training program can help everyone get on the same page.

A few tips include:

  • Encouraging prompt reporting: It’s only possible to fix maintenance issues quickly if you know they exist. Create a straightforward reporting process employees can follow in case of equipment failure or other difficulties.
  • Training employees on sustainability practices: Your employees may need help reducing the business’s overall water and energy consumption, and they may not understand the importance of doing so in the first place. Provide training on standard operating procedures so that everyone knows what steps to take and why they matter.
  • Staying up to date on new technology: Technology is constantly changing, often bringing new sustainability methods along with it. Encourage continuous learning and research among employees so everyone can stay updated on new ways to decrease water and energy usage.

6. Monitor Your Water Usage

It can be challenging to reduce water usage if you don’t know how much you’re using. Similarly, it can be difficult to see whether your sustainability efforts are working if you’re not tracking changes in usage.

An easy way to track your data center’s water consumption is to look at your business’s monthly water bill. If you notice that it’s going down, you know that your attempts at water reduction are likely working. If you notice a spike in your water bill, it could be a sign of a leak or an indication that something isn’t operating optimally.

Create a process that helps you track your water reduction efforts alongside your bill. This way, you can directly see how your efforts are working and which approaches might require adjustments.

Improve Your Cooling Systems and Save Water With Chardon Laboratories 

Reducing water and energy usage in your data center is a great way to create a more sustainable environment and reduce business costs. By using the tips in this article, you can effectively make a positive difference.

If you’re interested in tailored solutions to optimize your cooling systems and treat your water, Chardon Labs is here to help. We provide comprehensive commercial water treatment services, helping you maintain your cooling systems and reduce water and energy usage. We can install equipment, complete repairs and assist in numerous other ways to support your water-saving endeavors.

Our professional technicians have extensive experience working with data centers and can help you find the best solution for your business. Learn more about Chardon Labs, and reach out to us to get started.

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Matt Welsh

Matt Welsh is the Vice President and Water Consultant at Chardon Labs. He helps consult a wide range of customers utilizing various methods of water treatment, from chemical to chemical-free approaches, large and small applications, and across a wide range of geographical influences. With 20 years of water treatment experience, including a wide range of troubleshooting and service in potable water and non-potable HVAC and industrial applications, he is an expert in water treatment chemistry for cooling towers, boilers, and closed-loop systems.

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