
HVAC boilers rely on proper water treatment to maintain their operational efficiency and safe performance. When your boiler system works at peak condition, it can lower chemical and energy usage, reduce costs and improve operation in industrial settings. 

At Chardon Laboratories, we offer a variety of boiler equipment to provide a chemical treatment program that works properly for your boiler. From contact headwater meters to conductivity controllers, our equipment gives detailed insight into water and chemical usage, helping prevent potential problems. Learn about our water treatment for HVAC boilers tailored for your operations. 


Understanding Commercial Boilers

Commercial boilers rely on natural gas or oil to heat water that transforms into steam. A boiler system consists of various components, including burners, heat exchangers, combustion chambers and controls.

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Common Challenges Faced by Steam Boilers

Here are some prevalent issues affecting boilers, both warranting treatment chemicals and equipment:


Scale is a mineral deposit that settles on boiler walls and pipes. When minerals naturally present in the water — like iron, calcium and silica — precipitate out of the water, they attach to the boiler’s heat transfer surfaces. Scale can slough off the sides and disrupt water flow in the tubes, which can lead to warping, overheating and rupturing.


Corrosion results from a reaction between the boiler’s metal and chemicals in the surrounding water or air. It can also come from acidic water or scale that traps harmful sodium against the metal. Corrosion will gradually create holes in the metal and eat away at the inner mechanisms, causing leaks and other issues. There are two main types of corrosion:

  • General: General corrosion occupies the entire surface of a metal part.
  • Pitting: Pitting involves a heavier corrosion concentration in a smaller area, making it more harmful than general corrosion. Pitting can be harder to spot, so it’s more likely to progress to the point of total part failure.


When there’s a high concentration of solids in the steam boiler, foaming can occur, which can affect boiler efficiency. Persistent formation of bubbles reduces the equipment’s life span while increasing maintenance costs.


Priming occurs when large amounts of water droplets are carried along with the steam during heating. This wet steam formation impacts steam boiler efficiency and overall life span.


The Importance of Water Quality in HVAC Systems

Maintaining high water quality is crucial for HVAC systems. Keep water clean at all times for:

  • Employee safety
  • Operational efficiency
  • Reduced operational costs
  • Prolonged system life

Industry-Specific Boiler Maintenance Needs

Different industries call for specific water treatment requirements. At Chardon Labs, we offer boiler water treatment tailored to your industry needs:

  • HVAC: We prevent metal oxidizing in HVAC equipment by using sodium sulfite and other water treatment products. When eliminating scale, we apply chemicals and water solutions to prevent scale development.  
  • Breweries: Boiler water treatment ensures your equipment is safe and running at peak efficiency. Our chemical treatments for your brewery boiler prevent scale buildup and inhibit corrosion to maintain optimal performance. 
  • Food processing: Many food and drinking processing facilities rely on water boilers. We offer food-grade boiler chemical treatment services like descaling and corrosion inhibitors to intercept impurities from getting into your packaging or edible products.
  • Manufacturing: As a critical component in the manufacturing process, we offer water treatments for your boiler. Our chemical treatment program mitigates scale and corrosion-related issues. 

Water Treatment Equipment for Boilers

From scale to corrosion, different water boiler issues impact efficiency, raise operating costs and reduce boiler life span. Our high-quality equipment helps ensure accurate chemical treatment services, preventing and controlling unwanted issues like corrosion and scaling. We use various boiler water treatment products to distribute precipitated crystals. This process prevents materials from settling and forming corrosion-causing insulating deposits.

You can learn about some of the equipment we provide below:

  • Controllers: A controller can help you automate feeds, conductivity bleeds and read-outs to boost efficiency. With an easy-to-use interface and an array of input options, the MegaTron XS controller can ensure flexible and versatile command of your boiler system.
  • Contact headwater meters: Contact headwater meters provide accurate readings regarding your water usage, letting you maximize efficiency and minimize costs. These meters offer proportional control according to the water flow when used with a pulse-activated pump or timer. With the right headwater meter, you can achieve consistent feeding.
  • Corrosion coupon racks: A corrosion coupon rack and coupons allow you to estimate the rate of corrosion in a system, perfect for monitoring the effectiveness of a corrosion-reducing approach. Our corrosion coupons provide a quick disconnect and wrench-free removal. They come with all the necessary mounting and installation hardware.
  • Boiler probes: A boiler probe can detect the water level in a system, a necessary task in many analysis operations. It can help you monitor pH and water levels, providing all the necessary information to treat the water. Our probes work with Advantage Controls controllers.
  • Chemical mix tanks with agitators: Our double-wall chemical containment tanks allow you to add and store chemicals in a safe, controlled way. They offer an industrial-strength build with polyethylene for durability and a removable, spill-resistant lid with multiple metering pump mounts for easy access.
  • Boiler blowdown solenoid: With our wide selection of bleed valves and solenoids, we can find the right one for your system, enabling consistent and dependable operations.
  • Chemical pumps: A chemical pump is an essential component of your boiler. It ensures accurate, regularly dispensed chemical dosages into the water. Your pump needs to match your boiler system for optimal efficiency. Fortunately, we have a large collection of chemical pumps with features for various applications, such as outdoor installations and high-accuracy adjustments.

Whatever kind of equipment you need, we can help you find it. We carry a wide selection of equipment so you can perfectly tailor your approach to achieve as much efficiency as possible.

Our Boiler Water Treatment Equipment and Chemicals

Our arsenal of treatment chemicals and equipment helps us provide the best service to our customers. Here are two examples of how we’ll use those tools to clean your boiler.


To prevent the metal from oxidizing, we use sodium sulfite as an oxygen scavenger — a chemical that helps reduce or eliminate the oxygen levels in your feedwater. We also add various other water treatment products as needed to disperse particulates and precipitated crystals.

These chemicals prevent dissolved minerals from settling and forming corrosive deposits, which protects your boiler against pitting and thermal stress.

Part of our water treatment service includes a chemical treatment. We apply chemical solutions that react with and consume scale-forming minerals, which prevents them from concentrating into deposits.

Depending on your geographical location, we may also use water softeners — these chemicals remove calcium, magnesium and iron ions from water to prevent scale from developing.

We also incorporate blowdown into our treatment strategy, which involves deliberately draining feedwater flow at regular intervals to limit the concentration of scale-causing minerals. We then replace the blown-down water with lower-concentration water to keep the system running as needed.


Let Our Experts Handle Your Boiler Water Treatment Needs

Here at Chardon Labs, we want you to have everything you need to keep your boiler working as efficiently as possible. Whether you know exactly what your system needs or could use a little help figuring it out, our experts in boiler treatment are ready to assist.

As one of the top boiler water treatment companies in the country, we’ve been providing high-quality, cost-effective solutions for years with the help of our ISO-certified service technicians and processes. If your boiler is experiencing scale, sludge, corrosion or reduced efficiency, your water needs the right equipment and chemicals. We’ll help you identify the source of the problem and find the right boiler treatment solution.

To learn more about our comprehensive treatment programs and what they can do for you, reach out to us today for a free survey. Chardon Laboratories, we know how critical effective heating is for productivity, and we understand that every facility is different. When you work with us, we help you design a water treatment system tailored to your facility’s specific needs — whether you’re operating a brewery, a hospital or a cannery, you’ll get the most out of your industrial boiler.

You can count on our ISO-certified technicians to provide top-quality service and help you keep your costs low.

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