Chemical Water Treatment Products for Cooling Towers


Chemical Water Treatment Products for Cooling Towers

At Chardon Laboratories, we provide comprehensive water treatment services for boilers, closed loops and cooling towers. Since 1965, we’ve made it our mission to help customers:

  • Reduce their utility and repair costs.
  • Make their water systems more efficient.
  • Extend the service life of their equipment.

From free surveys of your water systems to ongoing maintenance at a fixed cost, our ISO-certified technicians can guarantee everything you need to keep your cooling tower operating as expected. Our high-quality products play a crucial role in our cooling tower water treatment programs. You can learn about the different equipment and chemicals we use below.

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Why Do You Need Water Treatment Equipment for Cooling Towers?

Cooling towers are specialized heat exchangers that combine air and water, pull heat from the water and return cool water to facilities. Numerous industries rely on cooling towers for their daily operations, including:

  • Manufacturing: Manufacturing facilities typically use heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to maintain comfortable working temperatures for employees. Production machinery and equipment can generate significant amounts of heat, making proper cooling a must. Most HVAC systems have cooling towers, water-chilled coolers and condensers.
  • Plastics: Cooling towers help cool extruders and injection molds, making them an asset in the plastics industry.
  • Food processing: Food and beverage processing facilities rely on cooling towers and ammonia compressors. These devices are essential for refrigeration, cold storage and temperature control. Cooling towers also serve air conditioning applications in food processing centers.
  • Health care: Cooling towers can maintain optimal temperatures for employees, patients and visitors in health care facilities.

Cooling tower systems are vital in each of these industries, and as such, they should undergo regular maintenance to enhance reliability and performance. At Chardon, we develop effective maintenance solutions using state-of-the-art equipment and proven techniques. Our goal is to keep your system free of microbiological growth, corrosion and scale through updated tools and efficient chemical flow.


Our Cooling Tower Equipment

Our advanced cooling tower water treatment services include our superior cooling tower inhibitor product line. We have specifically designed products to treat specific conditions that could lead to contamination. For instance, some products will eliminate scale in cooling towers with hard, alkaline makeup water. Others will prevent corrosion in systems with soft or low-TDS makeup water. Learn about the state-of-the-art devices and technology we use for cooling tower water treatment below.


Our line of automation equipment can help maintain proper chemical feed rates for your cooling tower. It displays real-time data to optimize your water treatment schedule and cooling tower efficiency. Our automation equipment for cooling towers includes:

  • Conductivity controllers: This reliable, user-friendly cooling tower equipment helps eliminate common issues like scale and rust. The host of advanced features will enable you to automate your system’s functionality. Access real-time data to enhance your water treatment processes and improve your results.
  • Chemical pumps: Pumps are essential in maintaining your cooling tower equipment. They help you add the appropriate chemical quantities to ensure the success of your treatment plan. We offer pumps with various levels of automation to meet your unique operating requirements.
  • Mini pulse timer: Our selection of biocide timers will automatically feed cooling tower treatment chemicals into your system. Proper biocide feeding is crucial for killing harmful bacteria and minimizing the risk of a disease outbreak. These timers rely on relay outputs to control feed flow and distribution.

Proper monitoring equipment helps reduce the risk of various issues — such as chemical overfeeding, underfeeding, corrosion, scaling and bacteria buildup — in your cooling tower. We offer the following equipment for monitoring and risk prevention:

  • Contact headwater meters: These meters will help you determine the correct cooling tower treatment chemical feed. You’ll avoid adding too many chemicals and seeing your costs significantly increase. You’ll also reduce the likelihood of underfeeding, which could lead to scale formation. Another benefit is the ability to track cooling tower water usage more accurately.
  • Corrosion coupon racks: These racks simplify the monitoring of your cooling tower water treatment program’s effectiveness and reduce corrosion risk. The quick-connect feature will allow you to remove the coupon quickly without tools. These racks include all the hardware and equipment you need for fast mounting and installation.
  • Flow switches: Regular troubleshooting of your cooling tower equipment will enable you to detect and correct minor issues before they become significant problems. These switches feature various flow indicators to ensure fast, efficient monitoring of virtually any system type.
  • Bleed solenoids: Use this equipment to ensure your system bleeds correctly and prevents cooling tower water from becoming harmful. Our solutions consist of motorized ball valves that enable you to turn the bleed off and on as needed. Several options are available to meet your unique system requirements.
  • pH, ORP and conductivity probes: These probes for cooling towers will work in tandem with your controller to facilitate fast, comprehensive analysis of your cooling tower equipment and system. They provide access to accurate, real-time pH levels to simplify the water quality monitoring process. You’ll have the information you require to treat cooling water proactively.

Cooling tower chemicals require proper storage to reduce the risk of spills and leakage. Additionally, improper chemical storage can pose risks to you and your employees. Storing incompatible chemicals in the same unit can generate fumes, gases, vapors and heat that can cause fires or explosions.

Our broad assortment of biocide and chemical batch containment tanks can provide safe, efficient storage for your cooling tower water treatment chemicals. They consist of a high-quality polyethylene material that prevents leakage and increases safety. Their double-wall design and removable heavy-duty lids offer a durable storage solution and minimize the risk of spills.

We don’t sell chemicals, we sell clean systems.

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Cooling Tower Chemicals for Water Treatment

Chemically treating your cooling systems is essential to maintaining efficiency. Not to mention the savings you’ll have from less water usage and downtime. Chemical treatments also provide a safe solution, assuming you choose and apply the right product for the specific issue you’re experiencing. Ultimately, treating your cooling tower water with the appropriate chemicals can help control scale, corrosion, algae and harmful bacteria like Legionella. Our well-trained, experienced ISO-certified technicians can select and apply the right water treatment chemicals for your unique cooling tower maintenance requirements. We have a variety of cooling tower chemicals you may need for your treatment programs.


Corrosion in the form of scale or rust is the most common reason cooling towers’ performance levels decrease. These corrosion inhibitors will eliminate buildup and prevent it from reforming in the future.

Oxidizing biocides produce a reaction that destroys microorganisms in your cooling tower supply. We use a mixture of chlorine and bromine in our work, allowing for easy disbursement, control and measurement.

Biocide overfeeding and similar processes can lead to foaming in cooling towers, and our antifoaming chemicals can help prevent that reaction.

Pretreating water involves precleaning chemicals that remove foreign matter and prefilming chemicals that form a protective layer over your water supply. Maximize equipment life span by treating your equipment before, during and after use.

Cooling Tower Dosing

Once we determine the right chemicals for your cooling tower system, we can adjust your dosing system accordingly. Dosing systems pump out chemicals at regular intervals to control bacteria and microorganism growth, reducing the need for service and equipment replacements down the line. Our technicians will help you decide which of our dosing systems is best for your cooling towers based on pressure ratings, output capacity and similar functions.

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Why Choose Chardon Labs?

Chardon Laboratories has years of expertise in cooling tower chemicals and the systems to which they belong. We bring you custom solutions based on your current needs and budget, and once we install them, your entire facility can look forward to:

  • Less risk of corrosion, scale, microbiological growth and bio-fouling.
  • An optimized cooling tower management and preventive maintenance program.
  • Fewer long-term operational costs and significant system concerns.


Get Chemical Water Treatment Products for Cooling Towers From Chardon Labs

At Chardon Labs, we share a mutual goal with our clients — keeping their bills as low as possible. That’s why we service and sell clean systems instead of chemicals. Rather than constantly having to order chemicals, turn to Chardon for ongoing water treatment products and services at a guaranteed price. Our experts will:

  • Deliver your chemicals and dispose of the containers.
  • Install all necessary equipment.
  • Perform ongoing maintenance with our state-of-the-art remote monitoring technology.

If you’re interested in partnering with us for cooling tower water treatment or learning more about what we do, get in touch with us today.


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