Boiler Water Treatment Products


Proper equipment is important to maintain an efficient and functioning boiler system. A boiler running its best can lower chemical and energy usage, reduce costs, improve operation and extend the life span of its equipment.

At Chardon Laboratories, we offer a variety of boiler equipment to help ensure the chemical treatment program is working properly. From contact headwater meters to conductivity controllers, our equipment gives detailed insight into water and chemical usage, helping prevent potential problems. Learn about our boiler water treatment products and the issues they help address.

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“I have been extremely happy with the service provided by Chardon Laboratories. Domonic has been very helpful with all aspects of our systems, especially concerning Cooling Towers. My hope is that we can continue to keep working together for a…

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“The technician that comes out has been great at alerting me of things to watch for as well as answer my questions. I love it that you email me my report.”


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Overview of Boiler Water Treatment Products

Chardon Labs is committed to providing quality water treatments for your commercial or industrial boiler. When you work with us, we’ll conduct a thorough inspection to identify your boiler’s condition and address any potential issues with your system, such as scale or corrosion.

Our professionals will offer an overview of our tailored treatment plan and strategized maintenance for your boiler system. We’ll provide documentation to keep for your records and discuss which chemicals will benefit your operations the most.

Corrosion Inhibitors

Our technicians use corrosion inhibitors to significantly reduce a metal’s corrosion rate. The boiler chemical treatments can form a thin, protective layer to prevent direct contact with corrosive agents. They can also alter the electrochemical properties of the metal or the environment to make corrosion less likely.

Oxidizing Biocides

We can use oxidizing biocides to kill a broad range of microorganisms, including bacteria, algae and fungi. Our team ensures the biocide selected is compatible with your boiler system’s materials and operating condition. 

The boiler water treatment chemicals oxidize the cell structures and walls of microorganisms, disrupting their ability to function. Eliminating microbial activity helps prevent fouling and corrosion, reduce costly repairs and extend your system’s life span.

Non-Oxidating Biocides

Some bacteria, algae and fungi aren’t susceptible to oxidizing biocides. If this is the case in your unique situation, we can use non-oxidizing biocides to kill the bacteria and other microorganisms present in your boiler system. 

Compared to oxidizing biocides, non-oxidizing biocides are generally less reactive and corrosive — the chemicals operate by disrupting cellular processes, stopping respiration or lysing cell walls. These chemicals tend to offer compatibility with other boiler additives and treatments, making them an excellent addition to your system’s maintenance plan.

Antifoaming Chemicals

Foam can cause a carryover of water into steam, creating contamination and issues with steam quality. Additionally, foam can reduce your boiler’s efficiency and potentially damage your equipment. 

Our team can add small amounts of antifoaming chemicals, known as defoamers, to prevent the formation of foam in your boiler. The chemicals consist of surfactants, which prevent or disrupt the formation of bubbles in your system. Using antifoaming chemicals as a part of your water treatment plan helps mitigate risks and reduce maintenance costs.

Pretreatment Chemicals

When preparing feed water, we can use chemicals to prevent issues such as foaming, scale buildup and corrosion. Our pretreatment boiler chemicals focus on precleaning to eliminate contaminants and prefilming to create a protective film. 

The results offer maximized heat transfer efficiency for less wear and tear on your boiler system’s components.

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Water Treatment Equipment for Boilers

Both scale and corrosion are notorious for reducing efficiency, raising operating costs and reducing boiler life span. Our high-quality equipment helps ensure accurate chemical treatment services, preventing and controlling unwanted issues like corrosion and scaling.

We use various boiler water treatment products to distribute precipitated crystals. This process prevents materials from settling and forming corrosion-causing insulating deposits.

You can learn about some of the equipment we provide below:

  • Controllers: A controller can help you automate feeds, conductivity bleeds and read-outs to boost efficiency. With an easy-to-use interface and an array of input options, the MegaTron XS controller can ensure flexible and versatile command of your boiler system.
  • Contact headwater meters: Contact headwater meters provide accurate readings regarding your water usage, letting you maximize efficiency and minimize costs. These meters offer proportional control according to the water flow when used with a pulse-activated pump or timer. With the right headwater meter, you can achieve consistent feeding.
  • Corrosion coupon racks: A corrosion coupon rack and coupons allow you to estimate the rate of corrosion in a system, perfect for monitoring the effectiveness of a corrosion-reducing approach. Our corrosion coupons provide a quick disconnect and wrench-free removal. They come with all the necessary mounting and installation hardware.
  • Boiler probes: A boiler probe can detect the water level in a system, a necessary task in many analysis operations. It can help you monitor pH and water levels, providing all the necessary information to treat the water. Our probes work with Advantage Controls controllers.
  • Chemical mix tanks with agitators: Our double-wall chemical containment tanks allow you to add and store chemicals in a safe, controlled way. They offer an industrial-strength build with polyethylene for durability and a removable, spill-resistant lid with multiple metering pump mounts for easy access.
  • Boiler blowdown solenoid: With our wide selection of bleed valves and solenoids, we can find the right one for your system, enabling consistent and dependable operations.
  • Chemical pumps: A chemical pump is an essential component of your boiler. It ensures accurate, regularly dispensed chemical dosages into the water. Your pump needs to match your boiler system for optimal efficiency. Fortunately, we have a large collection of chemical pumps with features for various applications, such as outdoor installations and high-accuracy adjustments.

Whatever kind of equipment you need, we can help you find it. We carry a wide selection of equipment so you can perfectly tailor your approach for as much efficiency as possible.


Boiler Treatment Chemicals

Boiler feedwater must be chemically treated to neutralize free oxygen molecules. Without these chemical additives, oxidation will degrade internal metal surfaces. At Chardon Labs, we incorporate effective chemical solutions to manage scaling and corrosion. Chemical treatment for boiler water aims to: Remove dissolved oxygen from the boiler and feed system to prevent pitting corrosion. Prevent scale formation to improve heat transfer. Prevent corrosion in the condensate system. Ensure the boiler operates at the highest cycles of concentration. Reduce blowdown volume to maximize water, chemical and energy usage, saving on operating costs. Explore some of our tried-and-true chemical solutions for boiler systems below.


Our scale prevention chemicals use a phosphonate blend to keep scale from forming. These chemicals may also contain extra dispersing polymers, antifoaming agents, sludge conditioners and PTSA tracers to protect against overfeeding.

Here are some of our scale prevention chemicals and their features:

  • DA-20: DA-20 is specially formulated to stifle scale formation in steam boiler systems that come into direct contact with food.
  • DA-21: DA-21 inhibits sludge and scaling in various steam boiler applications. It also uses a PTSA tracer to ensure proper feed rates.
  • DA-22: DA-22 is designed to control sludge and scale deposits on heat transfer surfaces. It contains an antifoam agent, extra dispersing polymers and PTSA.

Our pH-controlling chemicals use sodium hydroxide to neutralize acid and raise the pH of the water. They come in liquid and solid formats:

  • BD-6: BD-6 is a liquid sodium hydroxide-based chemical solution. It’s designed to control hydroxide alkalinity, manage pH levels and neutralize acidic solutions.
  • BH-10: BH-10 is solid sodium hydroxide-based. It helps neutralize acidic water and raise pH.

For an all-in-one solution, we offer boiler inhibitor treatments. The Comp-50 and Comp-F solutions contain sulfite, caustic and phosphonates, with Comp-F offering a food-safe solution. If you’re looking for protection from oxygen pitting, BJ-10 is an economical, long-lasting option.

Treating your return line ensures pressure remains consistent and the metal can better withstand corrosion. We utilize blends with morpholine, cyclohexylamine, amines and ammonium hydroxide to accomplish different jobs. Different line lengths and pressures fit best with specific blends, and food-safe environments may need specific solutions.

Whether you want to take preventative action to keep your boiler working as efficiently as possible or need to change something about your existing water makeup, our boiler treatment chemicals can help get the job done. It’s important to select the right treatment for your specific application. Our experts can help with that, too.

How Do These Chemicals Work?

Various chemicals are federally approved for boiler water treatment, including amines, alkalinity, sulfites, phosphates and polymers. These chemicals serve different purposes in boiler water maintenance. For instance, alkalinity helps maintain optimal pH levels to prevent corrosion. Polymers and phosphates help manage calcium buildup. Sulfites help absorb corrosive dissolved oxygen, preventing pitting. Here are some applications of these chemicals to provide a better idea of how they treat boiler water.

Scale Prevention

Phosphonate chemicals are typically used to manage calcium carbonate buildup and scale production. These chemicals can also have built-in sludge conditioners to help prevent solids from settling.

pH Control

Too much acidity in boiler water can damage the overall system. A pH neutralizer uses sodium hydroxide to keep the acidity down and protect the boiler’s metal from corrosive effects.

Oxygen Control

Oxygen is a common culprit when it comes to boiler damage. Whether it causes scale buildup or corrosion, it’s important to reduce dissolved oxygen levels by infusing the water with chemicals that break down the gasses.

Foam Reduction

If dissolved solids rise to the surface, steam can cause them to foam up and reduce efficiency. Antifoaming agents can adjust the surface tension of the water to reduce foam.


Contact Us Today

Here at Chardon Labs, we want you to have everything you need to keep your boiler working as efficiently as possible. Whether you know exactly what your system needs or could use a little help figuring it out, our experts in boiler treatment are ready to assist.

As one of the top boiler water treatment companies in the country, we’ve been providing high-quality, cost-effective solutions for years with the help of our ISO-certified service technicians and processes. If your boiler is experiencing scale, sludge, corrosion or reduced efficiency, your water needs the right equipment and chemicals. We’ll help you identify the source of the problem and find the right boiler treatment solution.

To learn more about our comprehensive treatment programs and what they can do for you, reach out to us today for a free survey.

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