Legionella Testing and Control Services


Legionella bacterium inhabits natural water sources like ponds, rivers, lakes and streams. This bacterium thrives in warm, wet environments, which puts water systems such as cooling towers, ornamental fountains and air washers at high contamination risk.   

Unlike some other bacteria in water, Legionella has significant risks associated with human interaction. Simply breathing in water droplets containing Legionella can cause Legionnaire’s disease, a severe lung infection. These groups of individuals have a higher risk of contracting the disease:

  • People over the age of 50
  • People with cancer, chronic lung disease, diabetes or kidney or liver failure
  • People with compromised immune systems
  • People who smoke or used to smoke

With extensive experience in the water treatment industry, Chardon Laboratories can assist in your Legionella control solutions. We use a variety of resources and partners to provide options for your water system’s needs. Learn about the steps we take to test for Legionella cultures, control bacterial growth and prevent unwanted outbreaks in facilities.

Get Legionella Testing Services

Legionella Testing and Control Services

What Our Clients Have to Say

“Great company to work with. Very responsive to customer concerns.”

Aluminum Die

Grand Rapids, MI

“I have been extremely happy with the service provided by Chardon Laboratories. Domonic has been very helpful with all aspects of our systems, especially concerning Cooling Towers. My hope is that we can continue to keep working together for a…

Retirement Community

Managing Director

“The technician that comes out has been great at alerting me of things to watch for as well as answer my questions. I love it that you email me my report.”


Columbus, Ohio

What Causes Legionella Outbreaks?

Legionella spreads by aspiration, or inhaling the bacterium. People can ingest the bacteria in one of two ways:

  • Air: Steam radiating from a faucet, showerhead, decorative fountain or other water source can contain Legionella-ridden water droplets. When people breathe in the steam, their respiratory systems are exposed to Legionella, increasing the risk of infection. This is the most common method of contracting Legionnaire’s disease.
  • Drinking water: Though a less common phenomenon, people can develop Legionnaire’s disease by accidentally inhaling contaminated drinking water. This can occur when water travels down the trachea instead of the digestive tract. People with swallowing complications are more susceptible to this infection method.

An amoeba typically consumes Legionella. The bacterium then multiplies within the amoeba before exploding and causing an outbreak. Ongoing testing is crucial to identify a potential bacteria problem in your system.

Here are some water conditions that can promote Legionella growth:

  • Stagnation
  • Temperatures between 68 and 122 degrees Fahrenheit         
  • pH between 5 and 8.5
  • Sediment that promotes the growth of commensal microflora
  • Microorganisms (e.g., algae, flavobacteria and Pseudomonas) that supply essential nutrients for Legionella growth or harbor the organism (amoebae, protozoa) 

Legionella Testing Procedures

A vital piece of your Legionella management plan is testing your water for cultures of the bacteria. Chardon partners with the industry’s leading Legionella testing service to give accurate information about bacteria levels.

We reference the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers’ Standard 188. These protocols address various water systems — such as cooling towers — that require proper measures to control Legionella growth and spread. Here are Standard 188’s recommended standards for Legionella testing:

  1. Survey the building’s water systems and analyze risks.
  2. Develop a Water Management Plan (WMP) to control Legionella.
  3. Validate and document the WMP’s outcomes.

Water Management Plan Process

If your building has a cooling tower, decorative fountain, central humidifier, centralized hot water system or over 10 stories, a WMP is recommended to reduce the risk of Legionella growth.  

A WMP can help protect your employees and tenants from contracting Legionnaire’s disease. Using the following steps, we can help you create and implement a plan unique to your facility.

1. Forming a Team

Creating your own team to implement and validate the plan is the first step in the WMP process.

2. Analyzing Your Site

A Chardon representative will walk through your water system and establish potential risk areas for Legionella. This site assessment will help create control measures and best practices for the WMP.

3. Testing for Legionella

Following the assessment, Chardon will help identify control locations on your site. Alongside your team, we will determine the appropriate testing protocols.

A Chardon technician will conduct testing and send the results to a state-of-the-art lab for further analysis. Testing frequencies and requirements vary depending on the risks associated with your business operation.

4. Correcting and Remediating the Plan

The final step in implementing a WMP is the ongoing process of correction and adjustment. You should regularly monitor and update changes to your building staff, water systems, testing and other control measures to best protect your building from Legionella. Accessing and updating your plan is simple through an online database.

Legionella Chemical Treatment Services

Legionella Chemical Treatment Services

Cooling tower chemical dosing involves pumping out chemicals in measured amounts. It helps control bacteria, microorganisms and other toxins.

At Chardon Labs, we provide regular chemical treatment services to prevent and control Legionella buildup in your water systems. These chemical additives also minimize other foreign matter, such as algae, scale, corrosion and rust. Chemical treatment for cooling towers and other water systems can:

  • Maintain system performance, efficiency and reliability.
  • Improve water system uptime and productivity.
  • Lower operating and replacement costs.
  • Extend the life span of your water systems.

Chemicals We Use

Below are the chemical solutions we can offer as part of your WMP:

  • Anti-foaming chemicals: These chemicals remove excess foam from your cooling tower. They reduce the risk of scaling known to cause Legionella formation.
  • Corrosion inhibitors: Removing contaminants like corrosion, scale and rust is essential for preventing and controlling Legionella development. Our corrosion inhibitor chemicals are specifically designed to address these issues.
  • Nonoxidizing biocides: Our nonoxidizing biocides are anti-bacterial chemicals that rectify various cooling tower issues. These issues include bacterial growth, toxicity, inferior water quality and pH imbalances.
  • Oxidizing biocides: Oxidizing biocide chemicals use an electron transfer reaction to attack harmful microorganisms in cooling tower water. They’re also easy to disperse, measure and control.
  • Pretreatment chemicals: These chemicals execute two critical pretreatment phases — prefilming (promoting inhibiting film development) and precleaning (eliminating foreign matter).

We don’t sell chemicals, we sell clean systems.

Contact Us

Contact Us for Legionella Testing and Control Services

At Chardon Labs, we share a mutual goal with our clients — keeping productivity up and costs down. That’s why we sell water treatment services instead of chemicals.

When you partner with us for water system maintenance, you receive ongoing testing, chemical treatment and monitoring services at a guaranteed price. You never have to worry about hidden fees or constantly ordering chemicals. Our ISO-certified technicians provide all the water treatment services your facility needs, including:

  • Conducting a free survey of your water system to determine its status and needs.
  • Helping you create and implement a custom water treatment plan.
  • Delivering chemicals and disposing of containers.
  • Installing remote monitoring technology and equipment.
  • Providing electronic reporting to assess your water quality.
  • Offering ongoing maintenance at a fixed annual cost.

Learn more about our Legionella control and management services by contacting us today!


Water Management Plan Process


Creating a team of your own to implement and validate the plan is the first step in the WMP process.

A Chardon representative will walk through your water system and establish areas of potential risk for Legionella. This site assessment will help create control measures and best practices to be followed for the WMP.

Following the site assessment, Chardon will help determine where control locations are on your site, and then alongside your team, will determine the testing protocols to be followed. Testing will be done by a Chardon technician and then sent to a state-of-the-art lab for further analysis. Testing frequencies and requirements vary greatly depending on the risks associated with your business operation.

The final step in implementing a WMP is the ongoing process of correction and adjusting. Along with changes to your building staff, water systems, etc., testing and other control measures should be regularly monitored and updated to best protect your building from Legionella. The updating of the plan is a simple process through an online database/portal, which is used to access and update the information of the WMP.


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